Deep in the forest is a place filled with artifacts of a bygone age, a time when Elven and Fairies and all those of Otherkin knew who they were and remembered our mythic past.
Welcome to Elven Artifacts where you may find that special
Elven, Fae, Otherkin or D&D treasure designed to enhance
your homes.
It is our pleasure here at Elven Artifacts to present some of those memories. With the rising cost of so many things today it is becoming harder to find those precious gifts that pass along an air of myth and magic to our homes and to our individual lifestyles.
Within this store you may find that one particular treasure that reminds you of your gentler past, something to help grace your home with our memories.
Please feel free to enter our ancient shop and peruse amongst the bowls, lanterns, clothes, statues, musical instruments and so much more!
We will also be happy to discuss custom designs for you.