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The purpose of this book is to offer hope for an alternative treatment  for chronic disease. The information contained describes in a small  detail some of the work and case histories I have personally witnessed  in my 20+ years of practice as an alternative healthcare provider. You  will find a wide variety of cases ranging from simple cuts and wounds to  serious auto-immune disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis and type 1  diabetes along with successful treatments for cancer.

You will notice  as a common theme throughout each of these cases an overriding need for  cleansing and dietary and lifestyle changes. This displays a single  important point for ridding our bodies of disorder, cleansing it and  making the appropriate changes so we do not end up back in the old  condition.

Within these pages you will find holistic medicine’s  tried and true protocols used successfully for each and every type of  condition. Whether I have a patient come in with a cold or cancer I  basically treat them the same. Our clinic has grown throughout the years  to being the most successful holistic clinic in Northern California  because we follow Dr. Christopher’s recommendations. Over the years I  have seen thousands of patients and cannot take the time to list all of  the wonderful people I have met. I will try and cover some of the more  memorable here in this book. The names have been changed to protect  their medical privacy.

Book - Case Histories From A Successful Naturopathic Clinic - Paperback

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