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I can say that while technology seems to have made lives easier, I would not say it has made them better. A case in point is the lack of knowledge these days in the proper care and feeding of emergency situations. There was a time when most folks had at least a rudimentary understanding of first aid care and could handle most situations on their own. Most families or villages had a skilled healer in the community who knew enough to intervene when an accident occurred.

Sadly, this is not the case in today’s world. Very few have even the basic knowledge of how to treat an open wound or a snake bite, let along a broken bone or a heart attack. Hospitals are now overrun with “emergencies” that in the past would never have even required the attention of a doctor. A few years back four separate hospitals closed their doors in one year in Los Angeles due to excessive use of the emergency room trauma centers. Patients who truly needed the ER would not be able to get treatment due to the lack of care as the hospitals were overrun with non life threatening situations.

According to the “Up to 150,000 people a year could be dying unnecessarily because first aid is not widely enough known, a charity warns today. Situations where first aid could potentially make a difference include suffocations due to blocked airways, which claim 2,500 lives every year, and heart attacks, which kill 29,000.

With technology comes more dependence on it’s gifts and as can be seen from above, thousands are needlessly dying simply due to a lack of knowledge about basic first-aid skills. This is where this books come in. Not only will we covering how to administer first-aid in a variety of situations, we will also be learning how this can be done in a more holistic, natural manner.

In this book we will learn about the natural treatment for such issues as burns, bleeding both minor and more severe, various types of poisonings, broken bone after care, snake bites, immediate life saving care for a heart attack or stroke victim, eye injuries, minor dental complaints and many more.

I will also be giving case histories where these tools have been used successfully, both on our clinic as well as from our patients who were taught these simple, historically proven techniques.

Book - Holistic First Aid - Paperback

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