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Book - The Handbook Of Holistic Healing

Book - The Handbook Of Holistic Healing


With the great success of the Healing Naturally book series, we decided  to combine all four current books into one complete handbook at a  discounted price. All of the information from the full set is included  along with a bonus chapter for helping you treat your companion animals  at home!Within the pages of this book you can learn to care for the most  common root causes of most disease.<br /><br />In this book we will learn about the  natural treatment for such issues as burns, bleeding both minor and more  severe, various types of poisonings, broken bone after care, snake  bites, immediate life saving care for a heart attack or stroke victim,  eye injuries, minor dental complaints and many more. You also learn how  to make your own medications. I will also be giving case  histories where these tools have been used successfully, both on our  clinic as well as from our patients who were taught these simple,  historically proven techniques.

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