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  • How are the herbs sourced?
    All of our herbal prdocuts are sourced from only certifed organic or widlcrafted vendors.
  • What are the capsules made from?
    All of our capsules are from plant-drived sources and are vegan.
  • Why should people use herbs?
    Natural herbs are whole foods that build health rather than a chemicals designed to simply suppress symptoms. Herbs have been discovered to be a natural way to restore and build a healthy body. Obtaining results with herbs is exciting and empowering.
  • What is the difference between using Whole Herbs vs. Standardized Herbs?
    Within the natural products industry, many concerns about "whole" herbal supplements vs. "standardized" herbal products exist. For many years Dr. John R. Christopher taught that the use of the wholesome herbs is far superior to that of its partsome counterparts. He realized that the "whole" was, is, and always will be better than the part. He also taught that the wholesome quality of our diet and supplements are keys to optimum health. Many health practitioners think that it is the active ingredient that does the work and that more of it is better. When an active ingredient is taken out of an herb that is isolating a component. Ingesting herbs or food in these manipulated or "processed" forms the body responds more like an isolate, which is another term describing a drug. Dr. John R. Christopher always taught that it is important to use the whole herb. Dr. John R. Christopher has always taught that the herb or food with the least amount of processing is always best for the body in its quest for optimum health. Once again, the whole is better than the part, and that is how these products are produced.
  • What About Alcohol in some of the extracts?
    Grain alcohol is used because it is the purest and most effective solvent for extracting the bio-active nutrients contained within the plant's cells, while also carrying these bio-active nutrients into the bloodstream and across the cell membranes quickly. Herbs tinctured in alcohol (which is also a preservative) will stay potent and medically active for a very long time (years & years), unlike herbs that are powdered and put in capsules. The amount of alcohol used in a normal adult dosage in very small. About 1/50 of a small glass of wine or dose of cough syrup. Patients who are alcohol intolerant or have struggled with alcoholism have not had any problems with these types of herbal tinctures. Adding the tincture to hot tea and letting it sit until cool enough (3 - 5 minutes) to drink will allow the alcohol to evaporate.
  • How many drops are in an ounce of extract?
    There are approximately 600 drops per ounce
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